Our ServicesTEACHERS ParentsProfessional tutoring? or home study?More and more families are facing this decision every day. Overcrowding in schools makes individual attention difficult if not impossible. For many, success depends on additional help. If you are one of the thousands of parents looking for solutions, we can help. Tutoring is available at our Learning Center in Nacogdoches, Texas or from one of our professional consultants located throughout the United States and Canada. Appointments can be made for both clinical and in-home tutorial sessions. Parents are also welcome to attend many of the training workshops provided for teachers and organizations. TeachersLearn to quickly identify and solve problems before they can become stumbling blocks to your students self-esteem.For teachers we offer training and certification through training workshops held in both the United States and Canada. These classes are usually held at Colleges or Universities and in some cases include continued education and college credits. Training is also available at our Learning Center in Nacogdoches, Texas. SchoolsFind real solutions to some of today's most challenging problems.For Schools and organizations, we offer teacher training, in-school implementation, speaking engagements, and seminars. These services have a variety of uses and can be customized to meet the needs of your organization. Colleges can offer innovative teacher training to their education majors. Private tutors can claim with confidence to provide extraordinary results. Schools can show dramatic improvement in their progress reports. How to get started?Don't hesitate to take the first step to success.Contact us to make an appointment with your personal consultant for a free consultation. After we determine how to best serve your particular needs, we will provide you with the appropriate enrollment applications or written proposal for your organization. |
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